
Archive for the ‘Karens Weekend Assignment’ Category

Karens Weekend Assignment was to post about staying cool.  Check out her challenges here and join in!

As you’ll see in other recent posts my daughter and I are visiting home in Massachusetts.  A month long, Windowwell deserved, visit with my family and my old stomping grounds. The entire month before we made the trip up they had record rainfall and cool temperatures.  But since we arrived it’s been 50/50; rainy some days and warm and sunny the others. Even the warmer days though aren’t exactally HOT. It seems cooler for this time of year than I remember. In my opinion, its perfect weather though ~ for I love spring & fall and Rain best of all! I live for the rain.

FanOn the occasional hot days we have had, we have  spent in the ocean.  The water was refreshing and actually warmer than the air. While at home at Moms, we must survive with an open window and an ancient fan.  My mother doesn’t like air conditioning so we all suffer. Summers past was  quite unbearable, only relying on their cooling practices 🙂  At home my AC runs constantly.


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